Hello, welcome to the internet summary of my work experience, interests, and skills.
My interests are diverse, with a focus in Blockchain, Cryptocurrency (Investment/Fundraising), Capital Markets, Crowd Funding, Photography, Online Media, Complex Systems, Thermodynamics, Chaos, Game, String & Information Theories.
My skills include Creative Direction, Management, Photography, Videography, E.Q., Media Buying (Facebook/Amazon/Google), Crypto Market Analysis (Qualitative & Quantitative), Painting and Social Media Development.
Shoreditch Media LLC (@Shoreditch.io) is a full-service creative agency available for photo, video, graphic design, creative direction, website design, growth hacking, art direction, and media buying (Google, Facebook & Amazon)
No Contingencies, (@nocontingencies) a Real Estate, Design, and Architecture community that partners with companies looking to improve their online footprint through my creative agency (@shoreditch.io)
Atelier Thornton, (@atelierthornton) a Design House that hosts my paintings, photography, designs, accessories, and clothing for sale.
Previously I ran a bar, restaurant & nightclub "Redcoats" in my hometown for nine years that was one of the most popular destinations in the Bay Area.
Thanks, enjoy your day. Drop me a line if you have any questions.
- Tommy